The annual NT Police Legacy Family and Stakeholder “Meet and Greet” was held yesterday in recognition of the Police Legatee Families and the people that support them. If it is by way of volunteering, donations or gifts/funds, or in kind sponsorship — we thank you for your consideration to our Families and beyond.
We are also very grateful for the recent donation of $4,278.96 which are proceeds for the 2023 Wall to Wall Ride for Remembrance. Funds were presented to our Chairperson by Nathan Finn from the Northern Territory Police Association on behalf of the National Police Memorial – Australia. The ceremony on the day of the ride was well attended with representatives from each jurisdiction and the beautiful weather conditions allowed for a moving and wonderful service to take place.
NT Police Legacy appreciates the support and sponsorship of all its members and stakeholders, allowing us to continue to support the NT Police Legacy Family!